Being the Model,  Get in There and Practice

On Prosperity Shaming and 10 Things Rich People Do

Prosperity Shaming


This started as a reflection on the environment of prosperity shaming, but evolved into a list because everyone likes a good list, right? I also thought it was a more positive way to add value instead of just adding another complaint to the pile.


I do have a point to make. And that is this: there should be no shame in being prosperous. Everyone should endeavor to be prosperous. I don’t speak of ill gotten gains acquired through unethical or criminal practices, which seems to be the light in which the 1% is cast.  I do wonder if there are stats on how clean the money is at the top.


You see,  I’m not in the 1%, but I aspire to be.  Why wouldn’t you? Do you think you can’t? If you do, I agree that you’re right and you can depend on the difficult life you create for yourself.  Henry Ford said it best, “If you think you can do a thing or think you can’t do a thing, you’re right.” But despite your current beliefs, you still have a choice. You have the luxury to change your mind. I hope you read on to explore the opportunity.


Perhaps I’m naive, but I believe most wealth is accumulated through legitimate, smart, hard work.  The 99% could stand to reflect on what they’re NOT doing.


Ten Things Rich People Do that You Can Do Too


  • Dream
Have a vision. Think big.  If you could have or do anything, what would that be? This will feel childish at first. As adults, we’re programmed to put away childish things, right? But that’s the exact opposite of prosperity.
You might also have feelings of guilt or that you are undeserving of something so wonderful. But imagine all the good you could do with your prosperity. You get to choose what you do with your riches. What could be better than providing for family, friends, and community?


  • Plan
From a dream, you can start putting a plan together.  Where do you want to be in five or ten years that will move yourself closer to the dream?  Write that !@# down and hop to!  Time’s-a-wastin’!


  • Set Goals
Goal setting is key to moving forward.  From the plan, you can plot some specific goals and reduce the time horizon.  What can you accomplish in the next year, next month, next week to keep moving you closer to the dream?


  • Monitor progress

With a plan and goals in place, check in periodically to assess your progress.  The periodic check-in keeps the goal at the top of your mind and renews your motivation.  Schedule these and keep your appointments.

Enlisting someone to hold you accountable is another best practice to help keep you on track.  Change is hard, so it’s nice to have someone to discuss your progress with.  Make sure the person you choose is supportive.


  • Sacrifice
Foregoing near term experiences and extras may be required to lock in future success.  If you have to save up for a new car or to pay tuition next semester, maybe you have to say no to the weekend road trip with friends or upgrading the smart phone or the daily trip to the gourmet coffee shop.  Find ways to trim the fat.  It will pay dividends down the road and can fast track you to the dream.


  • Save
Similar to sacrifice, saving involves figuring out your budget and what you are willing to save.  If you contribute to a retirement account, can you increase your contribution?  Many of us live paycheck to paycheck and spend frivolously. Keep looking to trim back the spending and start accumulating the wealth you are already earning.


  • Prioritize
Successful people never let the dream fall off the radar.  It’s always there, along with the plan and the goals.  When you make a decision, factor your goals into the decision.  Is the decision going to move you closer to your goal?  If not, is it worth it?


  • Take Action, Make Things Happen
Scan the environment for opportunities and take advantage of them.  See a problem, figure out how to contribute to a solution.


  • Think in terms of Abundance, not Scarcity
Stop thinking wealth is a scarce commodity.  It is not.  Those that have it are not keeping it from those who don’t. Don’t be shy about finding ways to capture your piece of the pie. It is available and waiting for you.


  • Invest in Yourself
Do your skills align with your goals? Find traditional and creative ways to grow your skills.  Seminars and online training exists on a myriad of topics.  Free training online is available too. Experiential training opportunities can be found through volunteering.
  • Be accountable
This last one is incredibly important.  Take responsibility for your actions and your life.  If you aren’t happy with your lot in life, make a plan and start making changes. Keep chipping away at the stuff you’re unhappy with until you’re left with the fulfilling life you deserve.  There is no feeling sorry for yourself when you are building the life of your dreams. There is no us versus them.  There is just you being in control of your destiny.


Credit to Grant Cardone’s commentary at MSNBC for helping me identify a 10th item in my list!
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I’m a Michigan transplant that spent 15 years in Seattle before relocating to Central Florida in 2020 with my loving husband. We have three grown daughters, a cat, and three grandbabies! I'm an Accountant, Project Manager, and Writer with a passion for continuous improvement. I live with intent and integrity, creating the life of my dreams. I help people do the same by sharing practical insights that focus on purpose-built living. Living the life of your dreams is achievable when you dare to dream it and commit to creating it.