Being the Model,  Get in There and Practice,  Miracle Morning

Wake Up and Show Up: Consistency Begins Here

I can’t tell you how long I’ve let my Good For You routine falter. I’ve let days turn to weeks turn to months. It’s a painful admission.  Consistency is fickle and requires a certain level of nurturing and mindfulness.  Consistency will wane if we aren’t also persistent.  To you and to me, I say “keep chasing that wagon!”

Here’s where I’m at. Every evening, I set the intent to wake early, workout, and check the other things off my Miracle Morning list. I have years now of cold hard evidence that the routine works for me! No matter what else I accomplish that day, I feel like a million bucks when I keep my Miracle Morning promise.

Every morning, I wake early without an alarm. I lie in bed and visualize my morning routine: workout clothes, brush teeth, elliptical, meditation, journal.  BAM! You’re done and ready to crush another fabulous day!

And yet…and yet, I’ve been consistently choosing not to set my day up in stellar fashion.  Why? I have a few distractions that I’ve been using as excuses: writing a book, designing a website, and developing an offer for my online business. Wow, those are all great, ambitious projects!  But it’s too much. Plus I’m in my head too much with it all instead of getting stuff done.

I’m so glad I decided to write this blog because it’s moving me into action. First, as of now, I’m deciding to stop trying to do it all. It would be sweet to have the site in place for the book launch, but at this rate, I will never get the book complete for launch!  The book is back on top of the pile. Get Stuff Done #GSD is a great slogan.  I need to reel it in and focus on the right stuff. Getting the book out will help with my street cred, so I need that done.

Okay, so now what? Oh yes, consistency.  Respect it. Don’t take it for granted. When you’re in the zone, consistency is easy.  We need a plan for the rest of the time when we aren’t on fire.  I sat in bed and ran through my morning movie today.  The difference was, I then got up and did it.  I’m brimming with pride for taking that spin on the elliptical! It’s a small yet significant gesture. I just said yes to myself!  That’s a big deal!  I can’t wait to do it again tomorrow.

How about you? Is there one small thing you can do today, maybe even right now, to reprime your consistency funnel?

I’m a Michigan transplant that spent 15 years in Seattle before relocating to Central Florida in 2020 with my loving husband. We have three grown daughters, a cat, and three grandbabies! I'm an Accountant, Project Manager, and Writer with a passion for continuous improvement. I live with intent and integrity, creating the life of my dreams. I help people do the same by sharing practical insights that focus on purpose-built living. Living the life of your dreams is achievable when you dare to dream it and commit to creating it.