Being the Model,  Get in There and Practice

The Problem is X. The Solution is Mindset.

I’ve been on an intentional personal development journey for quite some time now.  I think I dabbled with it for career purposes awhile back, but it wasn’t until I got serious about losing weight that things started to click for me.  Everyone has different aha! moments, right?  I would’ve loved to have had some of those moments earlier in my life, but what’s the point of dwelling on that?
My transformation program, Your Purpose-Built Life (YPBL) focuses on a variety of tools and techniques to help you shift your current way of thinking to a way that is positive and propels you toward what you want.
I woke this morning thinking about this program and the potential impact it can have to change lives.  I was exposed to many of the concepts in YPBL by a fat loss coach that I admire greatly, Elizabeth Benton.  I think about her and her business model often, as I put the program together.  Between her and my dear friend, Hal Elrod, whom I’ve never met, but feel I know quite well through his “Achieve Your Goals” podcast, I know the secret sauce to emotional pain. It’s so simple, and yet so elusive for so many.  You’re reading this blog, so you already have the answer! It was right there in the title. The problem is x. The solution is mindset. Replace x with any emotional pain or cause of emotional pain.
My pal Hal broke this down in a recent podcast. Resisting our reality results in self-created emotional pain. Stuff happens around us and to us all the time.  Some of it really sucks, no doubt about it.  This message isn’t intended to marginalize or discount your feelings.  The point is that dwelling on them does not serve you.
Here’s the thing: everything happens for a reason. But we get to choose the reason.  Once we allow ourselves to feel the feeling, we can accept our reality and choose how we respond.  How can you grow from the adversity you face?
If you’re new to positive thinking and the idea that what you think about shows up in your life, these ideas might be a tough sell because it doesn’t happen overnight. It takes practice. The problem with emotional pain is that it hangs around unless we intentionally decide to move on.  Shifting your perspective allows you to take steps to move beyond the emotional pain and get unstuck.
Our willingness to shift how we respond to what happens to us is so incredibly important.  If you’re ready to get started, I welcome you to join my free facebook group You, Me, and a Miracle Morning where we practice creating a morning routine that supports a positive mindset.
I leave you with a link to one of Hal’s recent podcasts. He’s on the other side of the mic this time, being interviewed about his very own responses to some pretty epic life-altering obstacles.  I’d love to know what you think. Does it move you to try practicing daily affirmations?
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I’m a Michigan transplant that spent 15 years in Seattle before relocating to Central Florida in 2020 with my loving husband. We have three grown daughters, a cat, and three grandbabies! I'm an Accountant, Project Manager, and Writer with a passion for continuous improvement. I live with intent and integrity, creating the life of my dreams. I help people do the same by sharing practical insights that focus on purpose-built living. Living the life of your dreams is achievable when you dare to dream it and commit to creating it.