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One Simple Solution to Accelerated Improvement

I’m really trying to get motivated to finish my book and transition from a will-be author to an actual-published author!  I’ve been immersing myself in inspirational reading and listening these past few days, pausing and taking copious notes on things that strike my fancy.  Things like “give more of what you want to receive” or get clarity on your purpose so it can guide your every decision.” And this no brainer, “to be a writer, one must write.”


I take these prompts in the vein they were meant, quite literally.  Honoree Corder said “You Must Write a Book.” So, here I am writing daily.  Words will eventually find a rightful place in my book. Meanwhile, I’m practicing the craft daily, whether it’s free writing, journaling blogging, daydreaming, making to-do lists, I’m putting in the time to write, write, write.


While I’ve known for some time that the daily practice is where true power and transformation occurs, I still find myself quite naturally seeking to over-complicate things. I caught myself scanning Google this past week for articles on writing, thinking if I know a little more, the words will come easier.  But I know better than that, don’t I?  My most memorable lesson from my super hero fat loss coach, Elizabeth Benton, is that “easy is earned.”  What you practice daily eventually becomes easy.  In that context, the lesson I needed was focused on eating more fat loss friendly foods and less of the other stuff.  But, as usual, these life lessons apply to absolutely everything.  Is there anything we cannot improve upon with practice?


My internet quest for knowlede brought me to a book called 30-Day Author by Kevin Tumlinson.  Even though I had no business seeking more knowledge on doing a thing I already know how to do, I did enjoy the book.  I liked Kevin’s conversational style.  I also connected with his early challenges to just get writing and his stubborn commitment to write nonfiction when it wasn’t his heart’s desire.


In the 30-Day author, there’s an excellent quote from Seth Godin comparing talking to writing, which was essentially this:  No one ever gets talker’s block.  You just keep spewing and spewing words until you get better at it.  So should it be with writing.  Spew that nonsense everywhere! What are you afraid of?  No one is looking at the manuscript yet, so keep banging on that keyboard, girlfriend!  What doesn’t fit in this book may fit in another.  And even if the words remain on the cutting room floor forever, every keyboard stroke is worth it because they represent practice.  This is where you earn easy.


How about you?  What goals could you accelerate by committing to a daily practice?  Message me if you want some help getting started.
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I’m a Michigan transplant that spent 15 years in Seattle before relocating to Central Florida in 2020 with my loving husband. We have three grown daughters, a cat, and three grandbabies! I'm an Accountant, Project Manager, and Writer with a passion for continuous improvement. I live with intent and integrity, creating the life of my dreams. I help people do the same by sharing practical insights that focus on purpose-built living. Living the life of your dreams is achievable when you dare to dream it and commit to creating it.