Get in There and Practice,  Mindset and Perspective

Resolve to Ask Questions

If you’ve read my previous blogs on Sparkpeople, you know I’m a fan of Elizabeth Benton. One of my Miracle Morning tasks is reading. Podcasts count, so I popped in to see her latest podcasts. I found this 15 minute gem that I wanted to share and discuss with you.

434: The One Resolution Everyone Should Make This Year

Now that we have our 2018 goals, EB suggests cementing them into your daily operation by asking a question every single day of the year. This is a brilliant idea because these questions keep you focused on the goal. We all know how easy it is to relax our focus when a goal is farther afield, right?

So, here’s the idea: Ask questions daily to set the intention each day. Before you even have a chance to drift, use these questions to keep pulling you back to the intention, to your goal.

It’s a bit like meditating. When we meditate, our mind naturally wanders. But when we notice it wandering, we gently pull our focus back to the meditation. Over time, I’m told the wandering becomes less frequent. I’m a novice meditator, but I’m an expert on getting in there and practicing. I definitely intend to practice this strategy.

This idea of a question isn’t new to me. When I began journaling in EB’s Fat Loss FastTrack, she had a journal section for us. I now keep a similar section in my journal called Just for Today. It’s where I list one thing I can do today that will make everything easier. That was clearly a prelude to the current exercise.

So, what are these questions? They can be very specific to your goal or maybe the examples below.

What can I do today?
How can I win the day?
How can I take great care of myself today?
What does my very best look like today?

She suggests taking it a step further and asking pointed questions throughout the day as our motivation wanes.

How can I do better from this point forward?
How will I finish this day stronger than I started it?

The point is to continually bring the attention back to the goal…just like meditating. I don’t know about you, but this is a simple strategy I can definitely incorporate into my routine!

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I’m a Michigan transplant that spent 15 years in Seattle before relocating to Central Florida in 2020 with my loving husband. We have three grown daughters, a cat, and three grandbabies! I'm an Accountant, Project Manager, and Writer with a passion for continuous improvement. I live with intent and integrity, creating the life of my dreams. I help people do the same by sharing practical insights that focus on purpose-built living. Living the life of your dreams is achievable when you dare to dream it and commit to creating it.