Get in There and Practice


I’m almost halfway through my One Thing 66 Day challenge! I thought I was more than halfway, but I just realized today that it’s a 66 day challenge, not 60, so I had to make a slight adjustment to my tracker. It’s all good!

My progress has been solid. I had one day under 100 words. I remember it well. I was at the beach and was just too distracted by the surf to do any writing. I’m filing that experience away for future reference. When I think about a day in my ideal life, I’ve had this vision of writing in the morning with the window open to hear the surf and feel the breeze. I might need to rethink that or train myself to be less distracted by it.

How is the writing practice going? I’m treating it like a diary, stream of consciousness kind of exercise. It’s going well. I enjoy the routine of having writing one of my first tasks in the morning. I’m stacking 10 squats and push-ups with the writing, tracked with a little star sticker on my 66 Day Challenge tracker.

I was thinking about the difference between writing on the laptop and writing longhand in a notebook. One thing I noticed is that the Morning Pages free writing exercise I did awhile back seemed a little more thorough. On the laptop, I find myself writing short snippets on multiple topics, probably because I know I can come back. Writing longhand makes me want to drain the topic instead of hopping around. I think the longhand experience is a little more thought intensive and cathartic. It gets me to next level, deeper thought instead of staying surface, not that anything I’m writing is too deep, but if you aren’t giving any of it deeper thought, there are no insights or discoveries and that is the value in writing for me, at least in part. This challenge is getting me in the practice of writing, but also to explore and think more.

I’m really interested in Tiny Habits and how short spurts of practice done regularly can really impact your performance. I’m seeing it real time with Tony’s guitar practice. He was struggling in the beginning with finger placement for a specific chord. Weeks later, he surprised himself to find he was doing it with ease. I’m not seeing it with my writing yet, but I’m diligent in the practice, so I’m optimistic that it is building that muscle, so I’ll be ready to bust out some best sellers after this  66 day challenge!!

I’m a Michigan transplant that spent 15 years in Seattle before relocating to Central Florida in 2020 with my loving husband. We have three grown daughters, a cat, and three grandbabies! I'm an Accountant, Project Manager, and Writer with a passion for continuous improvement. I live with intent and integrity, creating the life of my dreams. I help people do the same by sharing practical insights that focus on purpose-built living. Living the life of your dreams is achievable when you dare to dream it and commit to creating it.