• Get in There and Practice

    Am I Ready?

    It’s the last day in July AND it’s Day 40 of my writing exercise. How do I feel? How’s it going? What’s next? The daily writing challenge is over in 26 days. Then, I transition to my full court press to finish and publish PM101 by Thanksgiving. Am I ready? I think being ready is the wrong question. I have a solid approach and I’m sticking to it. I’m attending a virtual conference at the beginning of August called Author Advantage Live, hosted by Self Publishing School. I’ve worked with them in the past, in fact, on the same manuscript I’ll be dusting off for publication this year. I stalled…

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  • Being the Model,  Mindset and Perspective

    Authenticity: My Thoughts on An Upcoming Book Release

    I’m one of those people who swears pretty infrequently.  I find curse words crass and usually, there’s a better way to express myself. But in Honorée Corder’s new book, Stop Trying So F-ing Hard (9/23 release date), she explains that it’s used for emphasis, which I totally get. I know some of my friends will just love this book. Not because of the F word, but because it’s about being your authentic self. In it, Honorée explains that in all areas of our lives, when we meet people, we are meeting their representative, that persona they anticipate you expect them to be.  We all do it. We project who we…

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  • Miracle Morning

    Dear Diary: A Private Writing Practice

    In addition to my blog and writing projects, I also keep a journal.  If you follow me, you know I’m a big fan of Hal Elrod’s Miracle Morning and his Life S.A.V.E.R.S.  The last S in the acronym stands for scribing or journaling.  I didn’t get serious about keeping a journal until a few years ago when I participated in a fat loss challenge.  The first week’s challenge was to keep a basic journal to track what I ate and how I felt.  Documenting both of these things helped me collect trends that I couldn’t have understood otherwise.  Consistently logging when and how much you eat and sleep, mood, energy,…

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  • Get in There and Practice,  Productivity,  Uncategorized

    One Simple Solution to Accelerated Improvement

    I’m really trying to get motivated to finish my book and transition from a will-be author to an actual-published author!  I’ve been immersing myself in inspirational reading and listening these past few days, pausing and taking copious notes on things that strike my fancy.  Things like “give more of what you want to receive” or get clarity on your purpose so it can guide your every decision.” And this no brainer, “to be a writer, one must write.”   I take these prompts in the vein they were meant, quite literally.  Honoree Corder said “You Must Write a Book.” So, here I am writing daily.  Words will eventually find a…

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  • Get in There and Practice,  Mindset and Perspective

    Change Your Mood, Change Your Life

    My lesson in today’s patience meditation was a reminder that what we do right now is influencing how we think and feel in the future.  How insanely empowering, right?  How we show up is entirely up to us.   Here’s a relatable fact: a Facebook friend posted about what a drag Monday was and what a long week it will be because he’ll have an extra long commute. Guess what? For him, he’s right.  That mindset is going to guarantee a crummy week. He’s essentially promised it to himself.   Not getting excited over an unpleasant task is normal, I get it. But we get to choose how we respond…

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  • Get in There and Practice,  Mindset and Perspective

    Responding Versus Reacting

    I’m moving through a meditation series on prioritization. We prioritize in our life all the time. Sometimes it’s less intentional, sometimes it’s incredibly deliberate. I’m looking at you, fellow listmakers! Setting priorities are good. But what happens when something comes up that you need to address? Do you react or do you respond? The difference is in the timing. Reacting might be stopping what you’re doing to reply to an email or text you just received. Responding would be continuing with the task at hand and addressing the email at a more appropriate time. When I think of those two scenarios, I know I’m very reactionary about clearing the decks…

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